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Acupuncture in Tavares, FL

Anita Brown L.Ac.

Anita Brown L.Ac

Anita Brown L.Ac is a licensed acupuncturist and specialist in the treatment of pain and injury. She is a graduate of Dragon Rises College of Oriental Medicine in Gainesville, FL. with a master’s degree in Oriental Medicine.

Through her personal experiences, Anita has dedicated her life to giving people hope and helping others improve their health through Oriental Medicine.

As a practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine, she utilizes Acupuncture, Chinese herbs, manual therapies in her clinical practice. She specializes in the treatment of pain — especially knee, back, shoulder and neck pain — as well as sports injuries. Her pain relief techniques were developed based on ancient methods paired with current anatomical knowledge.

Although cosmetic acupuncture may not be as quick as an injection, unlike beauty therapy alone we can work on a number of health issues simultaneously.

If you suffer from hormonal imbalances, sleep and stress issues, mood, and digestive disorders, you may benefit from the stress-reducing and regulating effects of Chinese medicine.

If you would like to know more about the cosmetic acupuncture service I offer, you can read more on our cosmetic acupuncture page here. 

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Come experience natural care for:

Anita Brown Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine
203 West Alfred Street
Tavares, FL. 32778
Mon - Fri
10:00am - 7:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
*By appointment only

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Acupuncture in a Nutshell

The Synergy of Acupuncture and Chiropractic Care: A Path to Holistic Healing

Acupuncture and chiropractic care are two complementary therapies rooted in vastly different traditions but with a shared goal of restoring balance and promoting the body’s natural ability to heal. While acupuncture has its origins in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), focusing on the flow of energy through meridians, chiropractic care stems from Western practices that emphasize spinal alignment and nervous

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Shallow vs. Deep Acupuncture Needling

Acupuncture has been practiced for thousands of years, originating in ancient China as a method to restore the body’s balance and promote healing. While the fundamental premise — stimulating specific points on the body to affect energy flow or “qi”— remains consistent, practitioners have developed varying techniques, including shallow and deep needling. Each method has its own strengths, applications,

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Explore the Benefits of Facial Cosmetic Acupuncture

We all eventually hit the age where those fine lines and wrinkles around our eyes, nose, and mouth seem to become a bit more prominent than we would like. There are countless products and procedures out there for men and women, touting the benefits of reducing or even eliminating those pesky fine lines and wrinkles. Despite a diligent skincare

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