Micro-needling utilizes an electronic device with a multi needle tip and is used with nutritive and herbal serums, whereas cosmetic acupuncture uses acupuncture needles.
There are two types of micro-needling: medical and cosmetic. Medical micro-needling is done by a licensed practitioner, whereas cosmetic micro-needling can be done at home. Medical micro-needling increases keratinocytes and stem cells which produce collagen and elastin in the face. It is able to get into the deeper layers of dermis making it possible to treat acne and other scars by breaking up scar tissue and inducing skin remodeling. It is also better for treating wrinkles, age spots, scars, skin tone, acne and other blemishes.
Cosmetic Acupuncture
Cosmetic acupuncture focuses more on lifting, firming and tightening skin, as well as reducing inflammation and increasing collagen production. Both methods are based on Chinese Medicine principles of moving Qi and blood and stimulating facial meridians. When combined, these treatments are very complementary and give a natural face lift as well as brighter, healthier skin.
Organic serums and skin nourishing gels are used during a micro-needling session, increasing by up to 3,000%. I also add body acupuncture points during the micro-needling session in order to address full body circulation and stress reduction.
Your skin continues to improve
Lasting results are seen after 3-4 sessions of micro-needling or 6-10 treatments of cosmetic acupuncture. Both invigorate your natural healing processes to naturally reduce signs of aging. Whereas botox and other fillers have a negative effect on the body’s natural ability to regenerate, and require repetitive treatments in order to maintain results. When botox wears off, your facial muscles have lost tone and often results in looser skin with deeper wrinkles.
At Home Care
If you do get botox and fillers, you need to wait one month before and afterwards to get a micro-needling or cosmetic acupuncture treatment. This is because these treatments are so invigorating to the cells and tissue that they can actually reverse the effects of botox.
In between treatments and at home, facial gua sha and self massage can help to maintain muscle tone and tighten skin. It also increases circulation which reduces inflammation, dark circles around eyes and puffiness. By addressing the health of the whole body, the aging process can be slowed. Chinese medicine focuses on the root cause and whole body wellness.
In order to get the most out of your treatment, it is important to recognize the body as a whole. Nutritional therapies and stress reduction, along with other lifestyle choices can lengthen treatment results as well as combat new signs of aging.